import os
import struct
import threading
from collections import namedtuple
from random import randint, sample
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep, time
import usb.core
import usb.backend.libusb1
DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def background(fn):
""" Decorator for functions that should run in the background. """
def run(*k, **kw):
t = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=k, kwargs=kw)
return t
return run
def find_devices():
""" Return a dict of Gramophone devices with their serials as keys. """
backend = usb.backend.libusb1.get_backend(find_library=lambda x: DIR+"/libusb-1.0.dll")
devs = usb.core.find(backend=backend, idVendor=0x0483, idProduct=0x5750, find_all=True)
devices = {}
for dev in devs:
G = Gramophone(dev, False)
if G.product_info['name'] == 'GRAMO-01':
ser = G.product_info['serial']
devices[ser] = G
return devices
[docs]class Packet(object):
A 64 byte data packet that can be sent to the Gramophone.
:param target: 2 byte address of the target. source of the reply given to this packet
:type target: [int, int]
:param source: 2 byte address of the source. target of the reply given to this packet
:type source: [int, int]
:param cmd: Identifier of the command
:type cmd: int
:param payload: The payload for the command eg.: the value to write
:type payload: list of ints
:param msn: Any number. The reply packet's msn will be the same.
:type msn: int
msn = 0
def __init__(self, target, source, cmd, payload, msn=None): = target
self.source = source
self.cmd = [cmd]
self.payload = payload
if msn is None:
self.msn = [Packet.msn]
Packet.msn += 1
Packet.msn %= 256
self.msn = [msn]
def __repr__(self):
return 'Packet(target={}, source={}, msn={}, cmd={}, payload={})'.format(, self.source, self.msn, self.cmd, self.payload)
def plen(self):
return len(self.payload)
def filler(self):
return [0] * (65-self.plen-8)
def encoded(self):
return + self.source + self.msn + self.cmd +\
[self.plen] + self.payload + self.filler
def from_array(cls, array):
array = list(array)
target = array[0:2]
source = array[2:4]
msn = array[4]
cmd = array[5]
plen = array[6]
payload = array[7:7+plen]
return cls(target, source, cmd, payload, msn=msn)
[docs]class Gramophone(object):
Representation of a Gramophone device.
:param device: The USB device.
:type device: usb.core.Device
:param verbose: If set to True the details of the communication are printed.
:type verbose: bool
error_codes = {0x00: 'PACKET_FAIL_UNKNOWNCMD',
Parameter = namedtuple('Parameter', ['name', 'info', 'type'])
parameters = {0x01: Parameter('VSEN3V3', 'Voltage on 3.3V rail.', 'float'),
0x02: Parameter('VSEN5V', 'Voltage on 5V rail.', 'float'),
0x03: Parameter('TSENMCU', 'Internal teperature of the MCU.', 'float'),
0x04: Parameter('TSENEXT', 'External temperature sensor on the board.', 'float'),
0x0A: Parameter('SENSORS', 'The voltages and temperatures in one parameter', 'combo'),
0x0B: Parameter('VOLTAGES', 'The voltages in one parameter', 'combo'),
0x0C: Parameter('TEMPS', 'The temperatures in one parameter', 'combo'),
0x05: Parameter('TIME', 'The time of the internal clock of the device.', 'uint64'),
0x10: Parameter('ENCPOS', 'Encoder position.', 'int32'),
0x11: Parameter('ENCVEL', 'Encoder velocity.', 'vel'),
0x12: Parameter('ENCVELWIN', 'Encoder velocity window size.', 'uint16'),
0x13: Parameter('ENCHOME', 'Encoder homing.', 'uint8'),
0x14: Parameter('ENCHOMEPOS', 'Encoder home position.', 'int32'),
0x20: Parameter('DI-1', 'Digital input 1.', 'uint8'),
0x21: Parameter('DI-2', 'Digital input 2.', 'uint8'),
0x25: Parameter('DI', 'Digital inputs.', 'combo'),
0x30: Parameter('DO-1', 'Digital output 1.', 'uint8'),
0x31: Parameter('DO-2', 'Digital output 2.', 'uint8'),
0x32: Parameter('DO-3', 'Digital output 3.', 'uint8'),
0x33: Parameter('DO-4', 'Digital output 4.', 'uint8'),
0x35: Parameter('DO', 'Digital outputs.', 'combo'),
0x40: Parameter('AO', 'Analogue output.', 'float'),
0xFF: Parameter('LED', 'LED state changed', 'uint8'),
0xAA: Parameter('REC', 'Bundle of parameters for the Recorder module.', 'combo'),
0xBB: Parameter('LINM', 'Bundle of parameters for the LinMaze module.', 'combo')
type_lengths = {'float': 4,
'double': 8,
'uint8': 1,
'uint16': 2,
'uint32': 4,
'uint64': 8,
'int8': 1,
'int16': 2,
'int32': 4,
'int64': 8,
'vel': 5
combos = {
0x0A:[0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04], # Sensors
0x0B:[0x01, 0x02], # Voltages
0x0C:[0x03, 0x04], # Temperatures
0x25:[0x20, 0x21], # Digital inputs
0x35:[0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33], # Digital outputs
0xAA:[0x05, 0x11, 0x20, 0x21, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33], # Time, vel, io
0xBB:[0x05, 0x10, 0x20, 0x21, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33] # Time, pos, io
device_states = {0x00: 'IAP', 0x01: 'Application'}
def __init__(self, device, verbose=False):
self.device = device
self.verbose = verbose = [randint(0x00, 0xFF), randint(0x00, 0xFF)]
self.source = [randint(0x00, 0xFF), randint(0x00, 0xFF)]
self.firmware_info = None
self.product_info = None
self.dev_state = 'Unknown'
self.bursting = {1: False,
2: False,
3: False,
4: False}
self.readers = []
[docs] def decode_payload(self, param_id, payload):
Decodes the given payload based on the type of the parameter.
:param param_id: The key for the parameter dict. See: Gramophone.parameters
:type param_id: int
:param payload: The payload that will be decoded
:type payload: list
if self.parameters[param_id].type == 'float':
return struct.unpack('f', bytes(payload))[0]
if self.parameters[param_id].type in ['int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64']:
return int.from_bytes(payload, 'little', signed=True)
if self.parameters[param_id].type in ['uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64']:
return int.from_bytes(payload, 'little', signed=False)
if self.parameters[param_id].type == 'vel':
return struct.unpack('f', bytes(payload[0:4]))[0]*float(payload[4])
if self.parameters[param_id].type == 'combo':
I = 0
values = {}
for elemet_id in self.combos[param_id]:
e_type = self.parameters[elemet_id].type
length = self.type_lengths[e_type]
element = self.decode_payload(elemet_id, payload[I:I+length])
I += length
values[elemet_id] = element
return values
[docs] def read_output(self, output_id):
Read the state of a digital output.
:param output_id: The number of the digital output (1 to 4)
:type output_id: int
:returns: 0 if the output is low, 1 if it is high
:rtype: int
return self.read_param(0x30+output_id-1)
[docs] def read_outputs(self):
Read the state of all digital outputs.
:returns: dict with output numbers as keys, and their states as values. eg: {1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0} when both outputs are low
:rtype: dict
return self.read_params(0x35)
[docs] def read_analog_out(self):
Read the voltage of the analog output.
:returns: The voltage the analog output is set to.
:rtype: float
return self.read_param(0x40)
[docs] def read_sensors(self):
Read the values from the voltage and temperature sensors.
:returns: A dict with the parameter ids as keys. See: Gramophone.parameters
:rtype: dict
return self.read_params(0x0A)
[docs] def read_voltages(self):
Read the values from the voltage sensors.
:returns: A dict with the parameter ids as keys. See: Gramophone.parameters
:rtype: dict
return self.read_params(0x0B)
[docs] def read_temperatures(self):
Read the values from the temperature sensors.
:returns: A dict with the parameter ids as keys. See: Gramophone.parameters
:rtype: dict
return self.read_params(0x0C)
[docs] def read_time(self):
Read the time from the Gramophone's clock
:returns: Time in ms/10
:rtype: int
return self.read_param(0x05)
[docs] def read_position(self):
Read the position register of the Gramophone.
:returns: The position in counts travelled (1 full rotation = 14400 counts)
:rtype: int
return self.read_param(0x10)
[docs] def read_velocity(self):
Read the velocity of the Gramophones disk. Velocity is averaged in a window with a set size.
:returns: Velocity in counts/sec (1 full rotation = 14400 counts)
return self.read_param(0x11)
[docs] def read_window_size(self):
Read the window size of the velocity calculation, ie. how many position differences are averaged to
get the velocity. Larger windows result in smoother velocity but slower response.
:retruns: The window size
:rtype: int
return self.read_param(0x12)
[docs] def read_homing_state(self):
Reads wheter the device is homing. A home position can be set and this value changes when it is reached.
0 if the encoder is not trying to find the home position,
1 if it is homing and 2 if the home position was found.
:returns: 0, 1 or 2 dependin on the state
:rtype: int
return self.read_param(0x13)
[docs] def read_homing_position(self):
The home postion that can be found by homing.
:returns: The position
:rtype: int
return self.read_param(0x14)
[docs] def read_firmware_info(self):
Read the firmware information from the Gramophone.
Sets the fimware related variables of the object.
:returns: A dictionary with the firmware info fields in a human readable format.
:rtype: dict
ask_firmware = Packet(, self.source, 0x04, [])
firmware_packet = self.send(ask_firmware)
payload = firmware_packet.payload
firmware_release = payload[0]
firmware_sub = payload[1]
firmware_build = int.from_bytes(payload[2:4], 'little', signed=False)
firmware_year = int.from_bytes( payload[4:6], 'little', signed=False)
firmware_month = payload[6]
firmware_day = payload[7]
firmware_hour = payload[8]
firmware_minute = payload[9]
firmware_second = payload[10]
info = {
'release': str(firmware_release)+'.'+str(firmware_sub),
'build': str(firmware_build),
'date': str(firmware_day)+'/'+str(firmware_month).zfill(2)+'/'+str(firmware_year).zfill(2),
'time': str(firmware_hour)+':'+str(firmware_minute)+':'+str(firmware_second),
'date_format': 'dd/mm/yyyy',
'time_format': '24h'
if self.verbose:
print('Firmware version:')
print(' -Relase:', info['release'])
print(' -Build:', info['build'])
print(' -Date ({}): {}'.format(info['date_format'], info['date']))
print(' -Time ({}): {}'.format(info['time_format'], info['time']))
self.firmware_info = info
return info
[docs] def read_product_info(self):
Read the product information from the Gramophone.
Sets the product related variables of the object.
:returns: A dictionary with the product info fields in a human readable format.
:rtype: dict
ask_product_info = Packet(, self.source, 0x08, [])
product_info_packet = self.send(ask_product_info)
payload = product_info_packet.payload
product_name = ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in payload[0:18] if byte != 0x00])
product_revision = ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in payload[18:24]])
product_serial = int.from_bytes(payload[24:28], 'little', signed=False)
product_year = int.from_bytes(payload[28:30], 'little', signed=False)
product_month = int.from_bytes(payload[30:31], 'little', signed=False)
product_day = int.from_bytes(payload[31:32], 'little', signed=False)
info = {
'name': product_name,
'revision': product_revision,
'serial': product_serial,
'production': str(product_day).zfill(2)+'/'+str(product_month).zfill(2)+'/'+str(product_year),
if self.verbose:
print('Product info:')
print(' -Name:', info['name'])
print(' -Revision:', info['revision'] )
print(' -Serial:', hex(info['serial']))
print(' -Production ({}): {}'.format(info['production_format'], info['production']))
self.product_info = info
return info
[docs] def read_recorder_params(self):
Read the parameters for the Recorder module. Time, velocity, and IO combined.
:retruns: A dict with the read parameters, with ids as keys
:rtype: dict
return self.read_params(0xAA)
[docs] def read_linmaze_params(self):
Read the parameters for the LineMaze module. Time, position, and IO combined.
:retruns: A dict with the read parameters, with ids as keys
:rtype: dict
return self.read_params(0xBB)
[docs] def read_dev_state(self):
Read the state of the device. The device should be in 0x01 state for usage.
The 0x00 state is for setup.
:returns: The device state. 'Application' or 'IAP'
:rtype: str
ask_dev_state = Packet(, self.source, 0x05, [])
dev_state = self.send(ask_dev_state)
self.dev_state = dev_state.payload[0]
state = self.device_states[self.dev_state]
if self.verbose:
print('Device state:', state)
return state
[docs] def write_output(self, output, value):
"""Set the given output to a given state, eg. output 1 to 1 (high).
:param output: The output to set (1 to 4)
:type output: int
:param value: The state to set (1 is high, 0 is low)
:type value: int
self.write_param(0x30+output-1, [int(value)])
[docs] def write_analog(self, value):
Set the analog output to the given voltage, eg. to 2.1 V
:param value: The voltage that will be set.
:type value: float
self.write_param(0x40, list(struct.pack('f', value)))
[docs] def ping(self):
""" Send a ping packet with 5 bytes and print the time the process took. """
rdata = sample(range(0, 255), 5)
ping_time = time()
ping_packet = Packet(, self.source, 0x00, rdata)
pong_packet = self.send(ping_packet)
took = (time()-ping_time)*1000
print('Ping!', ping_packet.payload)
print('Pong!', pong_packet.payload)
print('Took:', took, 'ms')
[docs] def reset(self):
""" Reset the device. Returns None if successful and the error string otherwise. """
reset_command = Packet(, self.source, 0xF0, [])
response = self.send(reset_command)
err = self.decode_response(response)
if self.verbose:
if err is None:
print('Reset successful...')
return err
[docs] def decode_response(self, response):
Decodes a response. Returns the error message if the command
was not successful and None otherwise.
:param response: The response to decode.
:ptype response: Packet
if response.cmd[0] == 0x01:
return None
if response.cmd[0] == 0x02:
return self.error_codes[response.payload[0]]
[docs] def reset_time(self):
""" Reset the Gramophone's internal clock to 0. """
self.write_param(0x05, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
[docs] def reset_position(self):
""" Reset the Gramophone's internal position counter to 0. """
self.write_param(0x10, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
[docs] def read_param(self, param_id):
Read a single parameter and return its value.
:param param_id: The id of the parameter that should be read.
:type param_id: int
:returns: The value of the parameter
:rtype: depends on the parameter, see: Gramophone.parameters
ask_param = Packet(, self.source, 0x0B, [param_id])
payload = self.send(ask_param).payload
if payload is not None:
val = self.decode_payload(param_id, payload)
if self.verbose:
print(self.parameters[param_id].name, '=', val)
return val
[docs] def read_params(self, combo_id):
""" Read multiple parameters and return them in a dict. """
ask_params = Packet(, self.source, 0x0B, self.combos[combo_id])
payload = self.send(ask_params).payload
values = self.decode_payload(combo_id, payload)
if self.verbose:
for key in self.combos[combo_id]:
print(self.parameters[key].name, '=', values[key])
return values
[docs] def write_param(self, param, payload):
""" Write the given payload into the given parameter. """
set_param = Packet(, self.source, 0x0C, [param]+payload)
response = self.send(set_param)
if self.verbose:
if response.cmd[0] == 0x01:
print('Writing', self.parameters[param].name, 'succeeded.')
if response.cmd[0] == 0x02:
print('Writing', self.parameters[param].name, 'failed.',
[docs] def send(self, packet):
Sends a Packet to the device.
:param packet: The Packet to send.
:ptype packet: Packet
self.device.write(0x01, packet.encoded)
while True:
resp = Packet.from_array(, 64))
if == self.source and \
resp.source == and \
resp.msn == packet.msn:
return resp
except usb.core.USBError as usb_error:
raise GramophoneError(usb_error)
def start_burst(self, port, on_time, pause_time):
Start turning the given port on and off in the background.
:param port: The port that will be turned on and off
:type port: int (1-4)
:param on_time: How long should the port be on (high) in seconds
:type on_time: float
:param pause_time: How long should the port be off (low) in seconds
:type pause_time: float
self.bursting[port] = True
while self.bursting[port]:
self.write_output(port, 1)
self.write_output(port, 0)
[docs] def stop_burst(self, port):
Stop turning the given port on and off. see: start_burst
:param port: The port that will stop being turned on and off
:type port: int (1-4)
self.bursting[port] = False
[docs]class GramophoneError(Exception):
""" Exception for Gramophone related communication errors. """